Monday, March 30, 2009

Crazy Semester

It's been awhile since I've last posted, so I thought I'd post about something that has been restricting my time.

There are a few things I've learned about being a Hanover College Student.

1) Not everybody knows each other, despite the campus' size (less than 1,000 students). Which makes it interesting because you can still meet new people!

2) Despite not knowing everybody, you've at least seen everybody on the campus, so there aren't many new faces; merely new friends. Example: "Hey, weren't you in my *insert class name here* class with me last semester? I thought I recognized you!"

3) Hanover students work about twice as hard as students at other colleges, on average.

4) Every semester, there will be one class that is the class that you either complain about consistently or struggle in consistently, no matter how much you study.

5) Every semester, there is a period of 2-5 days, usually 2-3 weeks before finals week, in which every student on campus is stressed at the same time, to the point of screaming, killing themselves and others. Okay not really, but there is a point in which everybody is so stressed that no one can tolerate to even look at each other for an extended period of time without snapping. So you folks at home, don't mess with these students during this sensitive time in the semester.

That is all.


Oh, and mononucleosis is a drag.