Whoohoo!Not that 50 posts is all that significant. Particularly because it doesn't seem like that many! Anyway, nothing horribly exciting is happening right now but the 4th of July was fun and I had some time to see the beach and explore a bit. Also, a friend is visiting this weekend and my parents are coming down next weekend! Now if I could only get my dogs down here... :-)

As for the internship, well, I've been working on a dozen different projects! Still doing some research on the homeless and the hungry but today I discovered some of the gangs that exist in our area in addition to the rest of the nation. Interesting stuff! There are over 1,000 different gangs in Florida alone! And not only are they in big cities (Miami, Jacksonville, Tallahassee), they are expanding to more suburban and rural areas now. Plus, the internet opens up world wide interaction. Scary, but true.
The Florida Highway Patrol project is moving rapidly through production and so far so good! The last of the footage needed has been gathered. Salt & Light (S&L) still wanted two more events; a traffic homicide and the Tactical Response Team (TRT) making a warranted arrest. So we attached a couple of mini-cameras to the vests of some troopers making the arrest and our senior producer, Don, dragged himself out of bed a 3:30am to shoot some footage of a traffic homicide he was called about. These things may not be pretty, but they are real and deserve some attention.
Ending on a happier note, I've discovered a fantastic church in the area that I just love. And I've finally made some friends that are around my age! Not that I don't adore my supervisors and various Hanover alumni! I've rediscovered my faith and haven't been happier in a long time.