“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.” - Gene Wilder in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," 1971
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Summer's halfway over! Ahhh!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Information Overload
It's a rainy and hot day, which is a bit odd! But I plan on taking advantage of it and catching up on sleep!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Brief Update
Also, just when I thought there were no more sounds to listen to, I was asked to switch to music and listen through the entire music library (30-40 volumes) and pick songs that would associate well with the FHP. They actually trust me with that! I was told it's nice to have me around since I'm a musician. So, I still have my ear buds jammed and am doing the same process! Listening to the music is much easier and manageable than the sounds, but there is some bad music out there. Maybe I just notice because I'm obsessed with music...
Monday, July 19, 2010
"Hi everyone, you can call me the manatee!" - Jim Gaffigan, comedian
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Post Number 50!

Friday, July 2, 2010
Sick and busy!
Sorry it's been sometime between entries. I've been sick for the past week and when I am working, I bounce between 3 or 4 projects on any given day! I've been doing a lot of research about the homeless in Florida, since that is one of our upcoming projects. So I've been locating shelters and other organizations that specialize in assisting the homeless. I've also been discovering what the real definition of homeless is. It doesn't just apply to a person who lives on the streets with a mental illness. It also applies to people who had a home but recently lost it because of financial or other reasons. Our peers could be classified as homeless if they have not had a stable place to sleep each night for a period of 3 or more months. This includes people who "double-up" and live with family or friends because they don't have a place of their own. Homeless also refers to people who ran away from their home to escape an abusive relationship and have nowhere else to go but to a shelter.
A second project that I have been working on is regarding the issue of hunger in America. I haven't dug too far into the topic yet, but I've been hunting down food banks and soup kitchens and other organizations of the like that may be helpful in our project.
The Payton's Song project is at a standstill right now as we are attempting to schedule interviews with family and friends.
Two different groups have come to us with piles of their own footage and the request that we turn their footage into promotional videos. The first group is called ShelterBox, which is actually a pretty interesting program. It's a natural disaster relief group that provides a large green container that has supplies enough to take care of a family of 10. Recent example of their use is the Haiti earth quake. The day after the quake, ShelterBox had already loaded hundreds of these boxes into their cargo planes and flew them down there and helped set up camp sites. Very cool stuff. The second group is called Faith and Action, and to the best of my understanding, it is a group of people in D.C. that bring Christianity to the Federal offices in the area. I'm still learning more about exactly what they do.
Finally, the Florida Highway Patrol project is entering its editing stage and I've been blessed with the lovely challenge of finding royalty free music that can be used. It's been quite a task! More details soon!
On a completely unrelated note, I've finally had the chance to see some of the area and have visited Lido beach a few times. Tomorrow I plan on taking an easy day just lounging on the beach, weather depending. Pictures to come!