Considering this is the industry I may eventually want to end up in, I figured I could start sharing a few of my favorite advertisements. Here are a bunch of print ads that I think are very creative and effective. (you can click on the picture to see it's full size)

Regarding Viagra, I thought this ad was very clever and it forces the message upon anyone who may happen across it, whether or not they want to know!

This voting ad is simple and yet says a lot. Unfortunately, I feel like those who would pay attention to the ad to begin with are already going to vote. However, with a symbol of death just plastered across the page, it might draw some attention.

I purely thought this M&M's ad was cute. They've been producing customized candies for awhile now, but somebody was thinking really well the day they came up with this!

I just love the unspoken expression being screamed here! It was done very well. This isn't the only one in its series. You can view the rest
I'm not going to comment on the rest as they are self explanatory. Enjoy!