“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.” - Gene Wilder in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," 1971
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm feeling like I'm in love. I know it's crazy, but it's true. This song came on my iTunes DJ (whatever the heck they've been doing over there at Apple, my goodness), and it's been playing in my head ever since. It's an awful song, but the lyrics are pretty accurate for right now.
"Crush" Performed by David Archuleta
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time deep inside
It was a rush, what a rush
‘Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It’s just too much, just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I’ve just got to know
Do you ever think when you’re all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
‘Cause I’m trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Has it ever crossed your mind
When we’re hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more, is there more?
See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take
‘Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last
Last forever, forever
Do you ever think when you’re all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
‘Cause I’m trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I’ve just got to know
I know, super cheesy. Trust me. I'm one of the most realistic people out there. But right now, man. I don't know what caused it today. Maybe his soft voice (which is rare to hear!) when he showed genuine concern for me? I'm a sucker for low, soft voices. Who knows?
Let's see what happens!
I swear I'll have a legitimate post soon!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I did not write this. But I like it and need it right now.
Ten quick tips to improve your self esteem
Posted: June 11th, 2007
1. Do what you love.
Everyone loves to do something, when you indulge yourself in your love you improve the way you feel about yourself. You improve your self esteem.
2. Help others out.
Nothing makes you feel a warm glow than when you unselfishly help others. of course you can argue that this in itself is selfish, but if you take that line of thought you must think that existence is selfish. Forget that. Just do a good deed, help someone out, doesn’t have to be big and it doesn’t have to cost any money.
3. Acknowledge your strengths
There is no one who has no strengths. Everyone is good at something, know what your good at and give yourself a pat on the back. Do things that bring this quality out into the open. Excercise it, make it stronger.
4. Don’t put up with crap.
There is no reason you should tolerate other people being mean to you. Even if they say they are doing it with love. Make sure people know they should be nice to you and if they refuse, walk away from them.
5. Drop your negative friends.
Hang out with people who are positive and support you. It may be fun to bitch and moan but if you hang out with these types of people you will eventually become one of them. You may have noticed that people who bitch and moan are never happy.
6. Do your research
A lof of self help books are a waste of time in the sense that the only person who can change you is you. Reading even this blog post will not change you unless you get emotionally involved with the information. Which is really hard as it’s really dry and boring. Go read biographies of people you respect, people who do positvive things and attain huge success. Learn from the master not the self help guru who is always in debt.
7. Learn to accept compliments.
It’s hard to accept a compliment and not to dismiss it as being ridiculous. Someone has an opinion and it should be respected, even if you do not argree with it. If people think good about you then maybe you should too.
8. Include positivity in your life.
I’m not talking an airy fairy chant in the mirror whilst naked. I mean take a positive slant on everything automatically. The meat pie you just bit in to may contain maggots, but maggots contain a lot of protien. OK that’s a bit extreme but you get the point.
9. Compare yourself against yourself.
If you look at how you were yesterday and how you are today and there is an improvement then that is great. If there is no improvement then you know you need to improve your efforts. Don’t start comparing your self to other people. Saying you are poor compared to D. Trump is just going to make you miserable.
10. There is no need for you to put yourself down.
By seeing yourself in a negative light you are only reinforcing your low self esteem. If you want to improve your self esteem. Ask yourself, how can I improve my self esteem. The answer will always be, find one positive thing about yourself and that will do it.
"Serenity now." - Dodge
"Well I guess, I should stick up for myself
But I really think it's better this way
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care
Right? Yeah!
Now I'll relay this little bit
It happens more than I'd like to admit
Late at night, she knocks on my door
She's drunk again and, looking to score
Now I know, I should say no, but
It's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb, but I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self esteem"
- The Offspring
I like these lyrics right now. Oh man.
Hopefully future posts will be happier. I'm working on one right now that talks about my summer! But for right now, things aren't great.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Venting (Night before last 2 finals)
Strange? I'd like it to think not, but it's how I operate.
Now, let's throw in a touch of spontaneity. I can have fun. I swear! Right now it doesn't seem like that is the case, but really I can break loose and enjoy myself. Ever seen me dance? Well there you go.
Let's keep that dash of spontaneity and throw in a cup of Type B personality. Oh man! I'm a full blown A, and I've come to grips with that. However, as tasty and satisfying the B is, it may be very unhealthy. An occasional snack? That's fine. However, adding it to my daily diet may not be the best in the end. Hm...
You know, I sometimes wish other people (besides Andrew (-: ) would read this and be able to comment. But maybe it's good that others don't read this.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
It all makes sense now...
Understanding Marketing
You see a fabulous girl/guy at a party. You approach them and say, "I’m fantastic in bed."
That’s Direct Marketing.
You’re at a party with a bunch of friends and see a fabulous girl/guy. You have one of your friends approach them, point at you and say, "She’s/He’s fantastic in bed."
That’s Advertising.
You see a fabulous girl/guy at a party. You approach them to get their telephone number. The next day you call and say, "Hi, I’m fantastic in bed."
That’s Telemarketing.
You’re at a party and see a fabulous girl/guy. You get up, straighten your clothes, walk up and pour them a drink. You open the door, pick up their bag after it drops, offer them a ride, and then say, "By the way, I’m fantastic in bed."
That’s Public Relations.
You’re at a party and see a fabulous girl/guy. They walk up to you and say, "I hear you’re fantastic in bed."
That’s Brand Recognition.
Here is the link to the original site.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Favorite Advertisements

I'm not going to comment on the rest as they are self explanatory. Enjoy!

Friday, April 3, 2009
Read Me Before You Do Anything Rash
Suicide: Read This First
And to my friends who may be having negative feelings, I am always here for you. No matter what. Call me, text me, email me, I will take time to talk with you. My friends make my life as wonderful as it is, and therefore I share their troubles or at least am there for support. Please please know that I love you, no matter what, and I am, and will always be here for you.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The People in this World
Some are fun loving, some are pessimistic, others are productive, and others live to be lazy. I've met all sorts of people, and I've realized that every person has all of these traits, whether or not they want to admit it or realize it.
Most people choose their "best" and project it, and in the end it usually works out. Others, it does not always work out as well. I wish there was a guideline or a template of what an "ideal" personality was like, but I suppose that is not the case.
I know that there are people like me, who want to change the ways and mindsets of other people. As much as I try to think rationally about and attempt to ignore the qualities I don't care for, it is impossible, and I'm sure others would agree. This reason alone causes people to dispute and argue and is even the cause of wars.
But what do you do when a person you care about chooses a path that is against your philosophy? Maybe you saw it coming, maybe you didn't. Maybe you changed your philosophy multiple times and they followed suit, only to decide on something different from yours. I would love to agree to disagree, but what if that aspect of the respective philosophy's plays a leading role in the lives of the people? Then what?
You move forward. You realize that times have changed. And you move along. Or, you come to grips with it, and deal. And you realize that the relationship with the friend, significant, family member will either remain static, or will fade.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tough Exterior, Super Soft Interior
Adopt a dog! There are millions of dogs in shelters and rescue programs that deserve loving homes.
There is one thing I swear to do when I have the means. I'm going to adopt a german shepherd; likely a senior. Any senior dog hits the soft spot of my heart.
At home I have a beautiful 13-year old cardigan welsh corgi, Maris, whom I miss on a daily basis. You can see her age in her face, her eyes, and in her lazy daily schedule.
But when that show lead comes out, she becomes a pup and shows her heart out for me!
Here are a few pics of my beautiful old lady.
10 Things to Do Daily for a Happier Life
1) Spend 5-10 minutes alone, quietly reflecting on your day ahead/behind. Don't take any calls or text during this time. Just relax. Smile to yourself.
2) Talk to someone who cares about you. It does not matter if it's your roommate, your friend at home, your mother, or a therapist. You need to be reminded that you matter and are capable of great things.
3) Realize that while you are important, others are important too. Let a friend vent to you without interruption or distraction.
4) Similarly to number 3, realize and grasp that life is not fair. It never was, and it never will be. Don't take it personally.
5) Make it a goal to make another person laugh. It will help improve their day.
6) Accomplish something. Make a to-do list, and accomplish something on it. Ex. finishing a report, calling your mother, sending a thank you card. You'll feel good afterward.
7) When a situation arises, ask yourself if it will matter still in a year. If yes, then worry about it and find a solution. If not, then don't.
8) Be realistic. People are not set out to make you happy. Only you control your happiness. Granted, others can help, but only if you let them.
9) Spend 10 minutes each day studying up on the news. It may not make you happy, but it will make you more knowledgeable and will keep you up to speed with the rest of the world.
10) When you lay to bed at night, think about how your day went briefly, then think about the next day and what lies ahead. Switch gears, and think about someone or something in your life that makes your life worth living. You'll sleep well tonight.