There have been many people in my life who have helped me by loving me, hating me, complimenting me, criticizing me, and picking me up when they've pushed me down. These experiences may not have been pleasant, but they are all a part of me and will always be with me, for better or for worse.
No matter how much we want to change the past, we can't. We have to deal with that. Think in the present and plan for the future! The future is in our control and we can change it if we want to. If you want to feel happier, take steps to being happier. If you want to be smarter, faster, stronger, kinder, thinner, braver, better, take steps now! What are you waiting for?
If you don't like a trait, take steps to change in so you don't have to deal with it in the future, which will quickly be the past again! If you are struggling in a relationship, figure out how to fix it. That might be getting help from family and friends, seeing someone professionally, or leaving the relationship altogether. Successfully completing any of the former options makes a person stronger and is something to be proud of.
Once you accomplish it, you'll have to maintain it. This won't require as much help. However, you don't want to fall over backwards. If you are motivated and willing and able to become a certain way, you certainly have the ability to maintain it.
"Work It Harder Make It Better
Do It Faster, Makes Us Stronger
More Than Ever Hour After
Our Work Is Never Over"
- Daft Punk
Everyone needs help. Everyone.
"No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helps you."
- Althea Gibson
Again, e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e needs help.
Those who get help are the successful ones. Some may need more help than others, but everyone needs it. Do not be ashamed, embarrassed, or frustrated by the fact that you need help. You are not alone. Again, you are not alone. You aren't the first and you won't be the last.
You are able. You do matter. People love you and want to help you. I promise you that.